Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Compatible horoscope signs
Have you ever wondered why some couples are blessed with a happy and successful marriage or even how two individuals, without having met, feel comfortable in each others company. Or have you felt an unreasoned, extra sensory ‘connect’ with a person whom you have just seen. Or have you witnessed an unreasoned prejudiced feeling towards a stranger. If yes, then you are not alone. All individuals, governed by their ruling planets, emit certain frequencies. Simply put – when two like frequencies meet each other there is affinity but in other extreme cases their can be repulsion as well. Like frequencies are emitted by compatible horoscope signs and needless to say they gel well.
They key recipe for the right compatibility is the correct blending of all the elements, namely air, water, earth, and fire. Each zodiac sign is associated with one of these elements. The zodiac signs sharing the same element are best compatible to each other. In order to understand the compatible horoscope signs it is important to make yourself aware of your zodiac sign and its corresponding element which can help you to understand that with whom you can be most compatible and who can turn out to be your worst enemy.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are associated with earth signs. They have compatible horoscope signs as they have the same kind of nature and their thought pattern also matches. They are very ambitious. Having a very strong base and foot on the ground they know how to make a project successful. They are very clear headed and determined. Earth signs can be compatible with water and air signs. But as earth dampens the fire so they cannot gel well with fire signs.
Fire signs linked with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are another set of compatible horoscope signs that have an artistic and creative edge to their personality. They give birth to new ideas. They love social gatherings where they can easily become the centre of attraction with their charming persona. They are born leaders and their ego is boosted by their fan following. They relish the company of like minded people as they get an opportunity to do the intellectual talks. Fire signs do great with their fellow fire signs but they can also get along with air. Whereas, it is best for them, to avoid mixing with earth and water signs.
Air signs include Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. They have compatible horoscope signs because of their similar nature which loves to be judgmental, friendly and possess a lot of common sense. They are very good communicators. They are very curious and have the knack to learn new things easily. They are a social animal and can look through a person and his nature very easily. They are blessed to have friends who stay with them for a lifetime. Air signs go well with water and fire as well as earth signs.
The next compatible horoscope signs are Pisces, cancer and Scorpio. Having water as their sign they have very strong instincts which are correct most of the time. They can differentiate between true and fake emotions. They are caring and nurturing. Finally water signs should stay clear of fire signs other wise they work well with earth and air signs.
It is important to remember that other than the above factors there are several other aspects like the placing of moon and planets which are responsible for the compatibility of each zodiac signs.


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